There's more to life than coding.
A selection of what I enjoy in my freetime.
Redeclub München (Toastmasters)
since Nov 2022
From the Toastmasters Website:
“Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person.”
I joined Redeclub München End of 2022, and found something that really fits my ambitions, talents and personality. It's a great way to learn to speak in front of an audience, use rhetoric skills, body language and your voice as a tool of power. And it's incredibly fun! If you're courius, find a club near you!Munich iOS Developers
I recently joined the team organizing the local iOS developer community to build up my network.
CocoaHeads Berlin
Starting in the year of the first iPhone (2008), I was thrilled to be part of the growing development possibilities of Apple devices, and immediately joined the newly formed user group. Berlin had an incredible tech vibe, fantastic experts and an ever-changing working landscape. Taking more and more responsibilities, organization of the meetings (finding a host and speakers), logo design and forming a team, CocoaHeads grew from a dozen of developers to 100 people attending the meetings.
Engagement in der kath. Kirche
Mit viel Leidenschaft, Freude und Engergie gestalte ich mein Glaubensleben. Von Kirchenchor über diverse Gruppen (LichtPunkt, Gebetskreis u.v.a.) bis zum Dekanatatsratsvorsitz Bad-Tölz-Wolfratshausen gibt es kaum eine Aufgabe, die ich nicht schon innehatte. Besonders bewegt hat mich mein 'Studium' von "Theologie im Fernkurs", in dem ich mich intensiv und wissenschaftlich fundiert mit meinem Glauben auseinander gesetzt habe – und dies noch tue. Das Wichtigste aber an diesem ganzen 'Reich Gottes' sind die Menschen, und die Gemeinschaft die man mit ihnen begründet.